quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2012

Red Cross leaders exchange charges about misuse of resources

Deviations millionaires of funds collected by the Red Cross in Brazil by Veja revealed this week, generated an exchange of accusations between the Central Organ - the national body, recognized for exactly one hundred years by the international body - and its affiliates. On the afternoon of Tuesday, official notes of the Red Cross and the Brazilian subsidiary of Maranhão have conflicting versions of the responsibility on the bank accounts that received funds to tragedies in the mountain region of Rio, in Japan and Somalia. The total deflected is not yet known.

The disagreement between agencies which, in theory, should work in cooperation is a clear indication that something goes wrong in the institutions. The note of the Brazilian Red Cross provides the following explanation: "All complaints are being investigated by the Central Organ. The subsidiaries involved in complaints, pursuant to national statutes, present their activity reports and balance sheets and results will be presented publicly. " That is, the central body suggests that an explanation is charging its subsidiaries to 'understand' the disappearance of amounts deposited by donors.

In terms of explanation, a subsidiary of Maranhão is a little more incisive. A note signed by Carmen Maria Serra, president of the board in that state and national president's sister, Sierra Walmir Moreira Junior, says: "The Brazilian Red Cross requested a bank account to the subsidiary of Maranhão for the funds were received for citizens in need, because of the numerous lawsuits that determine blockage in their accounts, the preferred bank account was, therefore, its management directly conducted by the Brazilian Red Cross, the Central Organ, with headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. "
Carmen Maria Serra returns the ball to his brother, who is licensed since last week, and cites the restricted deposits accounts, according SEE found are related to labor, with a total debt that exceeds 40 million. Instead of Walmir assumed the vice, Choucino Anderson - President's right arm.

The dust that rises from the clash between brothers shuffles a little scenario. The solution 'home' to circumvent the forfeiture of money under court order meant that the money raised for the 35,000 homeless in the rain in the mountainous region last year, the resources for the population of Somalia, ravaged by civil war and burdened by hunger ; and donations for earthquake victims in Japan did a 'tour' by St. Louis, the capital of Maranhão. explanations about the destination and the amount of money diverted for the moment, none of the officers moved a millimeter.

De Leslie Leitão, do Rio de Janeiro, VEJA

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